16 cases when people ordered a cool thing and received its creepy double (15 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
18 February 2025

You can find everything on the Internet, but what you saw there will not necessarily be transferred to you in the same form as on the screen. Even online stores cannot guarantee this. What can I say, even decent online stores with a good reputation!

1. Typical AliExpress

2. Quite soft, but it's still disappointment

3. Instead of a unicorn made of flowers, they sent a dog that pretends to be a unicorn

4. The inflatable Iron Man turned out to be not so good by myself

5. I ordered a little Grinch, but they brought me who knows what

6. I ordered a phone case on the official website. Is it really possible to do this to people?

7. I waited two months, and finally it arrived. Just 1 in 1!

8. I ordered a pair of shoes online. Two left sneakers arrived

9. What I ordered… and what I received

10. I was really looking forward to this T-shirt

12. AliExpress is great!

Just in case, let's clarify that this is a pillow stylized as a ham. But in the case of food, as you understand, epic failures happen no less often than with online shopping. You can see particularly funny examples here.

13. Well, almost

14. The dog is happy, of course, but the blanket we ordered looked different

15. My husband ordered a mask for Halloween last year, and this is what we got received

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