A bicycle equipped with a built-in tent and a rest area

17 February 2025

A German company has released an electric bike-tent for lovers of outdoor riding.

Now you can set up a campsite right during a bike ride. And without the painful search for flat ground for a tent. German engineers decided that the bike lacks one important detail - an awning, and created an electric bike that turns into a house on wheels on a minimum. The developers have provided not only for rest, but also the possibility of remote work. The kit includes a folding table, and for those who like company, an additional chair is provided.

However, the price of this masterpiece of engineering inspires awe. All this costs as much as 10 thousand dollars! However, some fans of active recreation will probably not be embarrassed by such an amount, because what could be better than the feeling of freedom, the wind in your face and the ability to park your "home" anywhere?

1 comment
18 February 2025
271 comment
Раба не вистачає, щоб у цієї важкої хріні педалі крутив, коли в неї акум сяде.
Але ідея сидіти в кріслі доки раб педалі крутить не нова,
китайці та індуси з рикшами та велорикшами були першими.
Та й не можна зараз рабів, начебто...
Офісні не вважаються, вони довго педалі на цьому чумадані не зможуть крутити, у них же лапки.
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