A record holder among his own: the world's tallest water buffalo looks like a playful puppy (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, Records, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

He measures 185 centimeters from hoof to withers, but he acts like a little puppy: he loves hanging out in the pond and playing with people, and he also loves bananas.

The record-breaking water buffalo was raised at the Ninglani Farm in Nakhon Ratchasimi, Thailand. He is about 50 centimeters taller than the average water buffalo: for such a large size, the animal was even nicknamed King Kong. However, this does not stop him from being playful and joyful, despite the fact that people are often frightened by his height.

The farm where the record-breaking buffalo lives says that he was unusual from the very beginning.

"We began to realize that he was very tall when he was born, compared to other water buffalos," said Cherpatt Vutti, a farm worker.

King Kong himself was born on April 1, 2021. All this time he has been growing and living on his native farm. His parents and many other animals, including horses, live there with him.

However, King Kong differs from his relatives: not only in his large size, but also in his cheerful disposition. The buffalo happily plays with people, runs after them, loves when they scratch him behind the ears, and loves being fed bananas.

"He is very friendly, and it's like having a big puppy on the farm," they say at the farm.

At the same time, King Kong can grow even more, because he is still a relatively young buffalo, say the workers. He has an excellent appetite: he chews about 35 kilograms of food per day. In addition to bananas, he loves corn and straw.

"I love everything that makes King Kong King Kong - he's extraordinary," Cherpatt Vutty said.

We should add that King Kong is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's tallest water buffalo. The farm is very proud of this title and happy for their pet.

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