Parents of Chinese boy who threw firecracker into sewer will have to pay 39 thousand US dollars (2 photos + 3 videos)

13 February 2025

The problem is that the big badaboom, which happened due to the fault of the child, damaged expensive cars. And their owners were very unhappy.

A young Chinese decided to play a prank, and now his parents are not to be envied. On January 30, a schoolboy from Zizhong (China's Sichuan Province) threw a firecracker into the sewer. What happened next is well known from the video. His prank was caught on a surveillance camera, and everyone who was not too lazy filmed the aftermath.

Unfortunately, the manhole was located on the lawn, where for some reason several expensive cars were parked. As a result of the methane explosion, the cars were thrown up and overturned, and a hole filled with sewage formed at the scene of the accident.

The young rascal was unable to escape - he was detained an hour after the prank. It seems that he did not suspect what his hooligan behavior would lead to.

"A boy who threw a firecracker into a manhole doomed his family to a multi-million dollar debt - the explosion damaged several expensive cars at once, including a Porsche, BMW and Audi. The damage is estimated at about 39 thousand dollars. The child's family will have to pay most of this amount," the media reported.

A lawyer from a Beijing law firm gave advice to the child's parents on how to reduce the amount of the payment: firstly, they need to try to shift some of the blame to the sewer system managers, secondly, the debt can be reduced by indicating that the cars were parked in the wrong place.

As a result of the emergency, 8 cars were damaged, including three luxury cars: Porsche, BMW and Audi, the Global Times newspaper reports. The damage to the vehicles is estimated at 285 thousand yuan. The Chinese Fire Service is concerned about the increasing number of such "pranks" when children throw firecrackers into manholes. It is not always possible to get by with just damaged road surfaces and mangled cars. For example, in February 2023, in the city of Luohe in the central Chinese province of Henan, two children threw firecrackers into a manhole cover. The cover was torn off, and its fragments killed one of the children. The second received serious injuries.

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