British woman exposes voyeur father and hands him over to police (2 photos)

13 February 2025

In Birmingham, UK, 62-year-old Andrew Samuels was put on trial after his daughter accidentally discovered videos on his computer, filmed with a hidden camera in the bathroom.

The woman found dozens of photos and videos on her father's laptop, which showed women taking a shower or using the toilet. It turned out that the man had installed hidden Wi-Fi cameras in the bathroom to secretly film them. This was reported by the Birmingham Mail.

After discovering the incriminating materials, the daughter immediately contacted the police. At the trial, Samuels tried to justify himself by stating that he had purchased the cameras for "legitimate purposes," but was unable to explain why they were installed in the bathroom. The investigation managed to establish the identity of one of the three female victims. In her address to the court, she called Samuels' actions "the most humiliating and insulting thing" she had ever experienced, noting that she trusted him.

On February 10, the court sentenced the man to three months of restricted freedom: during this period, he is required to be at home from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. Samuels was also required to undergo a month-long rehabilitation program. Considering that he had no previous convictions, the court took into account his remorse, although the defendant himself admitted that he deeply regretted his actions.

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