35 proofs that crows are distinguished by their intelligence and quick wits (36 photos)

13 February 2025

Although crows have brains no bigger than a human finger, their mental abilities are comparable to those of a seven-year-old child. This allows them to use tools, solve problems, recognize faces, adapt to new situations, and even plan for the future. Below, you'll see some amazing examples of crows showing off their intelligence.

1. For several years now, we have been feeding a small family of four ravens (a couple and two babies)

Last week, two days in a row, they left us these gifts. Can rings strung on pine branches. This is not just generosity, this is creativity, this is art!

2. It's Time for People to Take an Example

3. A Crow Slide Down a Slide Using Plastic as a Sled

These birds have been spotted doing funny things more than once. For example, sliding on snowy roofs or performing aerial tricks, just for fun.

4. A friend nursed a wounded crow back to health after it got trapped in the yard. Here are some gifts from the grateful bird

5. A crow helps a hedgehog cross the road

6. Gabby, our crow, has mastered the game Four in a Row and often competes with her trainer and caretaker Sean

Gabby's record is 15-1. She has to let Sean win every now and then to keep his confidence up.

7. Crows are so funny. They know how to entertain themselves. This bird often sways in the wind near our house

8. I found this in the place where I feed the crows every morning

The bill got wet in the rain. But if the birds really left it for me, that's just amazing.

9. He knew he would win

10. Raven riding an eagle

11. The bird was thirsty and found a solution problems

12. I was in Vietnam taking pictures of wildlife and I noticed an eagle chasing a raven for a long time. After watching them for a while, I realized they were friends

13. This is Frank. He keeps jumping until I go out and give him some peanuts. I'm sure he's thrilled with how well I follow his commands

14. Puy Du Fou amusement park in France has trained crows to collect trash

15. My dad fed a crow, and now he rides with him in car

16. I started giving nuts to the crows that often fly to the terrace of the bar where I work. Three months later I finally saw the first gifts

17. Dipping a nugget in sauce

18. I fed the crows for a couple of months and today I got my first gift

19. Crows are amazingly smart birds that can recognize human faces and take offense

If a crow feels threatened by a person, it will remember him for many years. In addition, these birds warn their relatives about offenders, creating a kind of information exchange network.

20. Crows love to pull tails

According to one version, this is how birds distract and drive other animals away from food in order to get a chance to steal it. There is also an opinion that crows do this for fun.

21. Crows have amazing cognitive abilities

22. Crows use sticks to reach food in hard-to-reach places

23. A gray crow happily rolls along a snowy windshield

24. My friend. I feed him from my hand. Sometimes he gently pecks me and asks me to give him a treat

25. A crow throws a nut on the road for cars to drive over and crack

26. Today, while weeding, I noticed that my crow chicks started planting their own peanuts

27. The Crows Gave Me Texas

28. I Was Sitting on the Couch When a Crow Flew in and Left a Glass Ball on the Roof

I Just I was sitting when I suddenly heard a noise above me and saw a crow on the roof. She dropped the ball, watched it roll, then came up, picked it up and put it where it wouldn't roll away, and then just flew away. There's a family of crows living in a tree next to my house. They often look at me when I'm rollerblading on the path near this tree. But I've never fed them or bothered them. The ball has been there since yesterday. Is it a gift?

29. When a crow dies, its relatives fly in to inspect it. They are probably trying to find out how he died and avoid a similar fate

30. Crows have a complex social hierarchy, where each individual occupies a certain position in the group

31. Like parrots, crows are able to imitate human speech

32. Crows ant

They rub ants on their feathers and skin. The formic acid that ants produce has insecticidal properties.

33. They cleverly disguise their food caches and even create false shelters to confuse potential thieves

34. This crow locks its box before flying

35. New Caledonian crows can make tools, solve brain teasers for 5-year-olds children

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