Birds have learned to use spikes designed to scare them (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 July 2023

If you feel useless, remember to exist anti-bird spikes. Birds have learned to use thorns in their purposes.

This structure was designed to protect from birds a certain territory. But the animals not only are not afraid of thorns, but also use them for your own purposes!

This is what the anti-bird spikes look like.

Australian parrots, for example, break off anti-bird spikes simply because they can.

Pigeon in Melbourne decided that the best place for building a nest than spikes, just not to be found. And it was not a one-time action - he built a nest on top of thorns again and again. The falcon from Amsterdam came up with the use repellers, as a place to store prey. He pricked the victims on needles and returned to feast on them later. But more all were distinguished by corvids.

Yes, the place is not the most convenient... But what a safe place!

It has long been no secret that in terms of mental development they are not inferior to three-year-old people. Crows are able to decide elementary tasks and even mathematical examples. Maybe, therefore, anti-bird devices do not frighten them. First the case of building a nest of thorns was noted by a group of ornithologists from Antwerp. In the summer of 2021, the local magpie decided to tear 50 meters of anti-bird stripes is a great idea! And the nest consisted exclusively of them. Very brutal child.

It’s even scary to imagine how to enter such a structure at all.

Rotterdam black crows went even further. It seemed to them that it was not enough just to use in the construction of a nest spikes. They also added garden nets to the design. Which, in theory, they also had to protect the gardens from birds. Nest not used for breeding. But perhaps it was for intimidation and lowering the morale of stupid people. Who knows?

Nest of a black crow (Corvus corone) from Rotterdam. A) General nest type. B) Stripe with anti-bird spikes. C) snippet anti-bird mesh.

However, riding mockery of the anti-bird the nests of Scottish magpies became wires. They not only built of thorns shelter for children. Magpies made a spiked roof for scaring away other birds! In nature, Scottish magpies create nests in thorny trees and bushes. But agree not a single wooden thorn in terms of strength with metal and was not around. And glitter.

But seriously, for corvids building nests from human garbage is a normal practice in all parts of the world. Among twigs and sticks are often found and syringes, and barbed wire, and knitting needles. Who knows, maybe they will someday assemble a robot?

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