Why do crows peck other animals' tails?

3 October 2022

Crows love to bite animals and birds by the tails. At the same time, they skillfully dodge and fly away if the bitten animal tries to take revenge on them.

The fact that crows can deftly escape is good. But where did such a strange pattern of behavior come from? After all, from an evolutionary point of view, a crow still increases the risk of its own death.

In general, this can be a common form of entertainment for crows. Yes, yes, animals also like to have fun for nothing. Like, for example, cats that gnaw watermelons and cucumbers, although they do not contain any beneficial substances for them. Cats just like the way they crunch. So the crows want to have fun. They like to provoke other animals.

But entertainment is entertainment, and the crow is still a very smart bird to do something just like that without practical benefit.

This is how this habit stuck because it...is beneficial to the crows! They often act together in a pack and exchange information with each other. And thus they distract the other animal from the prey. While it turns around to fight back, another crow grabs the food and flies away. And the angry animal is left with a bitten tail and no prey.

Crows can fly up in a flock and tease the animal from all sides until it loses its prey. Therefore, this behavior became entrenched among crows as an additional source of food.

Crows are very smart birds. For example, in one of the experiments, scientists gave a crow to drink from a jug with a long neck. So long that you can't reach the water. And the crow began to throw objects into the jug so that the water level would rise.

Crows are able to communicate with each other, sharing important information. They are even able to quickly talk about a “bad” person. If someone offends a crow, it will immediately share this information with other birds. And when this person comes within sight of this flock of crows, they begin to react violently and negatively.

In this video you can clearly see how the crows coordinate their actions. There are attackers, advisers, a leader and backup crows.

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