20 great things found at flea markets and thrift stores (21 photos)

13 February 2025

You don't have to travel to faraway places to find incredible treasures. Just visit a flea market or your local consignment shop. Plus, buying used and vintage items can be a great way to save money and create a unique interior. In this post, you'll see interesting, quirky, and unusual things found in consignment shops.

1. Someone threw away this cute figurine, I restored it and painted it

2. I've collected these items from various thrift stores, antique shops, and garage sales over the years. Some of them are from the thirties, and some from the middle of the century

3. This stained glass is simply magical

4. This flea market behemoth seems to have been made for them

5. I found this really cool coffee table yesterday. The "backs" open like drawers. Each book is leather bound

6. I saw this couch at an antique store. This is perfect for my office

7. I was staying at a friend's house and his neighbor threw out this great chair-table. Now I have it at home

8. We bought a houseboat and look what the previous owners left behind! Mustard Yellow Retro Dining Set in Perfect Condition

9. Couldn't Pass by This Lamp

10. I Fell in Love with This cat

11. I found this chair at a consignment shop, it's just incredible

12. I saw a chair at a consignment shop, like from the family Addams

13. I got this used coffee table at a flea market

14. Antique Wooden Rocking Chair dragon

15. The cat is very happy with his new chair

16. This home decoration looks very stylish

17. I found this funny chair at a flea market market. Now I just need to find some comfy pillows to turn it into my reading nook

18. The tortoiseshell lamp looks incredible

19. I bought a shirt at a thrift store and it had the most gorgeous brooch on it bee

20. Mug "Kraken"

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