Can a cat burn on the radiator (11 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

All cats love warmth, sometimes even too much. When severe frosts find cold bridges in our houses and apartments, and the temperature in the rooms begins to drop below the favorite feline marks (+21..+22 degrees Celsius), cats move closer to the radiators.

And when the room thermometer drops below +18, they huddle close to the radiators. Because below +18 for cats is not warm enough to lie on the floor with their belly up.

Besides, closer to the floor the temperature is even lower than the thermometer shows, and this is not right at all! After all, cats are small in stature, they are forced to regularly be in the coldest zone of the room. That's why they climb onto the radiator to warm up.

Their faces become happy, but then the owners sometimes notice yellowed areas of fur on the cat's sides. This is the result of the long-term thermal effect of a hot battery on the cat's fur coat.

On the battery, the cat warms up gradually, and through the fur does not always adequately perceive the temperature. If the radiator is too hot, and the cat is drowsy on it and dozes off for an hour or two or three, then it may well be overcooked. This usually doesn't happen, but still.

Normally, the temperature of a cat's body is about 38-39 degrees, and the radiator can be much hotter. It's great when the radiator has a heat control knob. You should definitely use it.

Overheating can result in more than just a yellowed side for the cat. Unfortunately, cats do not always notice the point of transition of the threshold of acceptable temperatures for themselves, so you need to make sure that they do not overheat. This is especially true for hairless breeds.

As well as old cats and small kittens. Well, and adult sedentary cats too.

To prevent the cat from getting burnt, it is enough to put protective screens and, or give the cat a hammock on the radiator. The cat will definitely appreciate it. In the hammock he will be warm, and his sides will not get burnt.

As for the bedding, that is, some kind of rag that some owners put on the radiator, it is better than nothing, but not very convenient, since the cat sometimes slides off the radiator along with the bedding.

He can fall fast asleep and fall down awkwardly. So if you don't have a hammock, you can just put a box with a warm bed next to the radiator.

In general, you need to make sure that cats don't get burned on radiators. Because they can.

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