Will Rogers' Temple of the Sun (12 Photos + 1 Video)

8 February 2025

This luxurious high tower was dedicated to the famous American humorist. But not on purpose, but by a sad coincidence.

The stone spire of Will Rogers' Temple of the Sun, proudly towering over Colorado Springs like some kind of magical fantasy tower, is accidentally named after an incredibly funny US cowboy.

The construction of the tall stone tower was completed in 1937, but the project had no name. Apparently, it was originally conceived as just an ordinary picturesque observation deck. However, during its construction, the vaudevillian cowboy and humorist Will Rogers died tragically in a plane crash.

The cowboy, comedian, actor and journalist was a close friend of the owner of the project, businessman and philanthropist Spencer Penrose. After Rogers' death, Penrose wanted to honor the memory of his old friend and, realizing that he was creating a monumental tower, decided to dedicate it to the famous humorist.

Spencer Penrose

The 25-metre-high tower has five floors. They can be reached via a central spiral staircase. The first floor features frescoes depicting local history, three floors are dedicated to the life and work of Will Rogers, and the basement contains a tomb where the ashes of Penrose and his wife rest.

Will Rogers

Bronze busts of Rogers and Penrose greet visitors outside the tall tower, which offers a breathtaking view of Colorado Springs. The Temple of the Sun is now located on the grounds of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, and can be accessed from the zoo entrance.

While it is a little more formal than you might expect from a shrine dedicated to a comedian, that means there will be less joy and excitement from visiting.

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