Why did they want to demolish the Eiffel Tower several times and who prevented this? (6 photos)

17 June 2023

The Eiffel Tower, which, by the way, is visited by 6 to 7 million tourists annually - the most recognizable symbol of France and the main landmark of Paris. But few people know what's behind their history The tower was twice on the verge of demolition.

The Eiffel Tower was originally intended to be temporary. building for the 1889 World's Fair. She caused a storm resentment among French scientists and art historians, who did not considered it suitable for the architectural plan of Paris. According to the terms agreement with Gustave Eiffel, the tower was to be demolished in 1909.

Photo of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Exhibition

But the military prevented its demolition. As it turns out, the height 330m design ideal for machine installation radio communications. During the First World War, the tower was used for jamming German radio transmissions and interception of information, which gave France communications advantage.

Hitler against the backdrop of the main symbol of Paris

During the Second World War, the tower again fell under threatened with demolition when German troops tried to destroy it. However the commandant of Paris, General Dietrich von Choltitz, refused to obey the order and saved the tower. He did not agree with Hitler's insane plan to destroy Paris and all its sights. For this disobedience to the Fuhrer the French then called him "the savior of Paris."

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most significant symbols of France on a par with the Louvre, the Palace of Versailles and not only. She is no longer in danger of demolition and continues to impress and inspire all who visit Paris and admire its beauty and grandiosity. But the tower has become not only a significant historical monument, but also a serious source of income for the city.

The annual income from ticket sales reaches 100 million euros!

Few people know what is actually an original idea The Eiffel Tower was borrowed from an American observatory Latting, built in New York in 1853. But Gustave Eiffel improved the project, making the design more elegant, higher and more perfect. IN As a result, the tower was rebuilt in two years by 300 workers. cost construction of 36 million dollars.

Observation deck on the Montparnasse Tower

Now the construction of such a tower would cost the city 480 million dollars. Compared to other famous buildings, like the Ostankino Tower or the Burj Khalifa, the cost of the Eiffel Tower in was relatively low at the time.

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