An American woman came to Pakistan for a wedding with a local guy, but he immediately ran away (2 photos + 4 videos)

8 February 2025

Then the lady refused to return to her homeland and became a local "star".

33-year-old Onija Andrew Robinson lived in New York and raised two children. On the Internet, she met a 19-year-old Pakistani and suddenly became passionate.

They often corresponded and eventually the lady decided to marry the guy. To do this, she dropped everything and flew to Pakistan. But there she was overtaken by an unexpected thing.

As soon as the young man found out that his "beloved" had really shown up and wanted to get married, he got on his motorcycle and sped off into the distance. He never contacted anyone again. And Robinson hung around near his house, still waiting for her love. Later, she went to the police and demanded that they find her betrothed - and told the stunned security forces that she had already entered into a "marriage agreement by correspondence" with him. The guy was never found (apparently, the officers understood his situation and did not really look for him), and the woman said that she would not return to the United States.

They talked about her on all the local TV channels - for some time she became a real "star". And Onija began holding press conferences, telling how to "restore" Pakistan, provide the people with housing and food. At first, they even listened to her.

And then they noticed her strange behavior.

Robinson was constantly arguing and interrupting. Moreover, at one of the meetings, she shut the mouth of an elder.

Later, she said that she was already married to the guy she came to visit. And soon they would leave for Dubai, where Robinson was going to give birth to a child. Then she started talking nonsense.

That's when the Pakistanis began to suspect something.

As it turned out, the lovesick fury suffers from bipolar disorder. And maybe not only that.

At first, the media reported that Robinson could not be kicked out of Pakistan, and even the American consulate was involved in the issue. Then news appeared that she had finally gone home for treatment. And all the locals breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing has been heard about the young man who caused all this fuss - apparently, he is still celebrating the departure of his "bride".

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