A girl from Kyrgyzstan married a Japanese and talks about the peculiarities of family life in Asia (5 photos)

17 May 2023

Assel Minagawa from Kyrgyzstan has been married to a Japanese man for over 9 years years. The family lives in Phu Quoc, the couple has 2 children. The girl decided share your family life.

"Before I got married, I asked other CIS girls, who are married to locals about what they are: character, ability manage the family budget, life. Many said they were good work, but very cold and closed, and not very romantic.

But you need to take into account the fact that the Japanese, who lived for a long time in Japan, I didn’t go anywhere further than Okinawa, and even 40+ is very strong different from the younger generation of Japanese. The adult generation of men is more closed," says Asel's personal observations.

Asel met her husband in London. Then both were students. Asel's husband is a chemist by profession, he worked for a long time at large pharmaceutical company to create antibiotics and other medicines. But then he realized that such a life in the office was not for him.

He saved up enough money and went to travel around the world. He then decided to stay in London and enrolled. There are future the spouses met, started dating, then we got married moved to Japan.

Assel clearly understood what she wanted, so she immediately spoke about what she wanted:

"1. I will work and earn my money, because I am used to having my own means

2. I will not be a slave and clean, cook, wash from morning to evening

3. We divide life 50 by 50 "

And my husband was supportive.

When the guys just got married, the spouse's parents were very cold and unemotional. And only after a while they finally thawed - and relations with relatives improved.

And the Japanese are very practical. "My husband will wear things Uniqlo brand to holes. He's not into fashion, he's not interested in clothes, his wardrobe consists strictly of 50 shades of black," Asel laughs.

"Japanese husband doesn't like it when you are late and don't you warn about it. He does not understand those who speak the word and do not keeps a promise. He carefully gets to know people and does not let close to everyone, he will always keep his distance, he needs time to friendship," Asel continues to share the peculiarities of family life.

She does not advise marrying a Japanese, but wishes everyone find your person. She can rely on her husband in everything, he he loves children very much, besides he is economic, prudent in terms of money and thrifty: 10% saves for the education of children.

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