A seal snuck into a Dutch hotel room to sleep (4 photo)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

The unexpected guest had to be woken up - but the animal didn't like it.

A hotel guest rented a "beach room", a separate room with access to the beach, and went for a walk with her dog in the evening. She found an unexpected visitor upon returning to her room.

"We often receive strange messages and we are not easily surprised. But in this case, even we did not believe it at first," say specialists from the Animal Welfare Fund.

A marine animal rescue team had to be called to the hotel.

"It was a strange sight: the guests standing outside were a little nervous, and inside there was a completely relaxed seal sleeping," say animal rights activists.

Grey seals are known to sleep in the strangest places. They look for a place to rest and sometimes lie down in the middle of the terrace and even on the road. The animal can bite a person, it is forbidden to touch it, despite its cute appearance.

The rescuers woke up the seal, which became quite irritable because of this. Then the animal was placed in a special basket and released in a safe, quiet place.

"The guests' vacation became an adventure that is impossible to forget," animal rights activists noted.

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