Bonobos can intuitively read minds (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

Chimpanzees are smarter than we think. They can intuitively “read minds,” just like humans. Scientists have spent nearly 50 years searching for evidence that the animals have this unique ability.

Now researchers have convincing evidence that bonobos can actually read human thoughts and use the information they receive.

Three bonobos — 43-year-old Kanzi, 25-year-old Nyota, and 13-year-old Teko, who live at a research center in Iowa — had to guess where grapes, a piece of apple, peanuts, or some chips were hidden. The researcher hid the food under one of three cups, and when his colleague found the treat, he gave it to the primate. However, sometimes the person lost sight of the treat because a cardboard barrier appeared in front of him, but the monkeys always saw where the food was placed.

Primatologists have found that bonobos are able to understand when a person lacks knowledge. They made an effort to help him find the food. The animals pointed to the correct cup, and did so about 1.5 seconds faster than when the researcher saw where the treat was hidden.

Associate Professor Christopher Krupenye of Johns Hopkins University explained: “The ability to recognize gaps in each other’s knowledge plays an important role in how we collaborate, communicate, and work together strategically. This so-called ‘theory of mind’ underlies many uniquely human abilities, such as learning and language use. Many believe that animals lack it. However, this work opens our eyes to the rich spiritual heritage that humans share with other primates. It also suggests that these abilities evolved in our common ancestors millions of years ago."

The study found that bonobos can simultaneously hold two thoughts in their minds: knowing which cup contains food, and realizing that the other person doesn't know. They can communicate this information to each other.

The results were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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