Reality let us down: a streamer from China appeared in public for the first time and disappointed fans (5 photos)

4 February 2025

It turned out that the girl does not look like her profile photo at all.

In mid-January, the 2024 QQ Speed ​​Night awards were held in China, where a variety of bloggers, streamers, and similar influencers were awarded. Among others, popular Chinese blogger Yu Chong was invited. She was nominated as one of the 12 most famous Chinese influencers. She appeared at the award ceremony and greatly surprised fans who were accustomed to the sight of a pretty, skinny girl with big eyes (at least, the streamer's avatar still features exactly this photo), but in everyday life the fairy turned out to be a little different.

After the short speech of thanks that Yu Chong gave at the award ceremony, silence reigned in the hall - the audience was stunned.

Some didn't even understand what kind of girl went by the famous name. When the fans realized that they had been deceived, they were terribly disappointed.

After the award ceremony, people started unsubscribing from Yu Chong. But real fans noticed that appearance is of secondary importance, the main thing is the quality of her acting, and they can turn a blind eye to the deception. Finally, the streamer posted another photo of herself in the company of other Chinese girls and noted that she looked like this just a year ago. "Have you really changed that much?" she wondered (Yu Chong is on the far right in the group photo).

However, this story once again confirms the theory: a really beautiful girl in Asia can turn out to be ugly (if she's a girl at all).

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