Another example that nothing is real on Instagram (8 screenshots)

29 August 2019

Users of social networks noticed that a travel blogger from Buenos Aires named Tupi Saravia posts photos from her travels in which the sky is the same. All clouds are absolutely identical. So users began to joke and be indignant, and the blogger herself honestly stated that she edits her images.

The first person to expose the traveler was a guy from Twitter. At first it seemed to him that this was some kind of glitch in the Matrix, but looking closer, he saw that all the photos had the same sky. “Wherever she goes, the same clouds always follow her,” Saravia wrote. A couple of days later, the publication reached English-speaking users and gained popularity among them. After this, the girl temporarily closed access to her profile.

Identical clouds were found in photographs from different countries - Thailand, Italy, Indonesia.

1) And here..

2) And here too...

People on social networks began to joke about the clouds “chasing” the blogger.

“She managed to become an influencer for both consumers and weather conditions”;

“Maybe the clouds paid her for hosting?”;

“These clouds are her faithful subscribers,” users write.

On the contrary, other users were upset by Saravia’s actions and complained about the fake reality of social networks.


Translation: "I'm really sad about this. So many people want what she has - a fabricated online reality."


Translation: "Oh, the integrity of the influencers..."


Translation: "Seriously, this is a little weird, no? It goes to show that the virtual and real worlds are as different as day and night. I'm becoming more and more cynical (getting old!) about online 'influencers'. I think this bubble is when "someday it will explode"

The blogger confirmed that she did indeed edit the cloud photo: "I can't believe how far it went. I use Quickshot to fix photos where the sky is blown out." She noted that she herself came up with a joke about the same clouds chasing her around the world.

Saravia said she uses the same sky texture from the app, even though there are several to choose from. She explained that she "just likes this one."

The girl sincerely did not understand the indignation of the users: “I don’t see anything wrong with this, I never deceived anyone. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

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