The Owl Museum of Arts and Crafts - concentrated wisdom on a tiny spot (13 photos)

4 February 2025

One man's collection of feathered symbols of wisdom from around the world is on display in a small square in Seoul.

Housing a one-room residence, it contains over 3,000 owl-themed items collected from over 70 countries. Interestingly, the owner of this magnificence, Bae Myung Hee, has only left the country once. The obsession with owls has been going on for over 40 years.

This museum, which has the official rather pretentious name of "Museum of Owl Arts and Crafts", contains only owl paraphernalia. And there is a lot of it.

The founder of the museum began collecting owl art objects at the age of 15. Gradually, with the help of friends and family, Bae's collection has grown to over 3,000 owl-related items from 70 different countries, including Japan, Poland, Zimbabwe and Egypt. Most of them are handmade - owl paintings, pots, clocks, toys, screens, dishes... Name an item that could have an owl on it, and Bae has it.

All of this can be seen in glass cases along the walls of one room. The owl museum was originally a private home, but over time Bae and his wife transformed it into the museum it is today.

Some visitors to the museum may be lucky enough to get a tour from Bae himself. During this tour, he will point out particularly interesting exhibits in the museum, telling about their origins and how he acquired them.

Visitors are always offered tea or coffee upon entering. If the feathered symbols of wisdom were humans, they would certainly do so in order to create a relaxed atmosphere and stimulate the interest of tourists.

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