Zoo in China painted dogs to look like tigers (3 photos + 1 video)
The published footage shows the orange-and-black-striped dogs walking around the yard, sniffing the area and leaning their front paws on the fence.
At the Taizhou Zoo in China, ordinary chow chows were painted like tiger cubs to lure tourists. The controversial move caused outrage among some visitors, as has happened before when pets were passed off as pandas.
The footage, taken at the Taizhou Zoo in Jiangsu Province, shows the orange-and-black-striped dogs with a unibrow walking around the yard, sniffing the area and leaning their front paws on the fence.
It's obvious that these aren't tigers: their ears are too pointed, and their orange fur looks unnatural. However, small children who have never seen this animal in their lives may confuse the dog with a baby big cat.
Later, the zoo staff admitted that these were painted chow-chow dogs.