17 examples when people could not find a common language with technology and ruined it in the most unexpected way (18 photos)

3 February 2025

To make our devices last longer, we try to take care of them, take them in for repairs in a timely manner, and replace the necessary parts. However, some people perceive technology as soulless pieces of metal and plastic, so they treat it accordingly.

Guy accidentally pierces his phone with a nail gun

It seems that simply rebooting is not will help

There are suggestions that someone just decided to have fun with a waterjet cutter.

"A customer brought me a MacBook Air with this cable. Oh my god, I'm surprised their house didn't burn down"

This computer was brought in for service to find out why it wouldn't turn on

It's probably a combination of smoking and pet hair (maybe even hair from several pets).

Do you think it's possible to recover data from this hard drive?

How and why?

At least the screws here are screwed in just perfectly.

Computer vents clogged with cat hair

I think someone should get a brush and finally brush their cat.

Dropped a brand new laptop

Optimistic of you to plug in the charger…

The phone just melted. There must be some issues with the battery

The phone looks like a grilled cheese sandwich.

When the phone tends to overheat while charging, but is waterproof

The waterproofing doesn't last long. The protective seal wears out over time, letting water through.

This is art, you just don't understand

"My friend's phone"

It seems like a total cleaning

My grandma's TV after the cleaners cleaned her TV with a mysterious liquid

Grandma tried to boil a kettle on fire

How hard did you have to press the touchpad?

Video card fried to a golden brown crust

1 comment
3 February 2025
Вот что американци с техникой делают
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