Flight attendants taped the mouth of a 69-year-old passenger (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
30 January 2025

The flight attendants tried to calm the woman down, but she did not respond to their comments. When one of the flight attendants sat down next to the pensioner, she called her names.

The flight attendants tried with all their might to restrain the drunk passenger, 69-year-old Stephanie Banks from Austria, after she caused a scandal, shouting insults and accusations.

The flight attendants tried to calm the woman down, but she did not respond to their words. When one of the flight attendants sat down next to the pensioner, she called her names and used racial slurs. After hearing this, the airline employee's colleagues couldn't stand it and covered Stephanie's mouth with tape.

According to a witness who was on board the plane, the woman was flying with her husband, but they were not sitting together. The incident occurred on flight FJ871, which departed from San Francisco to Nadi, a city in Fiji, on January 19.

Banks was reportedly fined $220 for disturbing the peace.

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