Chinese company pays employees with homemade currency (6 photos)

30 January 2025

The Dazhong Zhuoyue Holding Group in China decided not to pay its employees in the administration with money. Why? They will spend it somewhere else in other companies and stores. So the company issued its "vouchers", incredibly similar to ordinary paper money, for which you can buy everything. But - within the limits of its trading conglomerate.

And different colors depending on the denomination!

These money vouchers allow you to buy clothes and food. But employees say that they feel helpless because of the payment method, which does not apply to other necessary goods.

Is this even legal?

As you understand – absolutely and completely not! You can give away vouchers for holidays to exchange for gifts. But you can’t pay salaries with them and you can’t even pay bonuses with vouchers in China if others receive the money.

But the owners of Dazhong Zhuoyue Holding Group literally felt like the owners of a small state, since their vouchers are so similar to real banknotes.

Photo of a month’s salary

A former employee of the company spoke about this practice when he quit. And before that, he kept quiet, afraid of being fired. But when he received vouchers instead of money, he realized that he couldn’t send this to his parents back home…

He posted photos on social media of vouchers in denominations ranging from 10 to 500 yuan.

The point is that each voucher had a unique number, just like a banknote.

This is what real Chinese money looks like

“These are the salaries for three months of my hard work,” the former worker wrote.

How the "fictional money" works

The man said that other organizations under the same parent company Dazhong Zhuoyue Holding Group, including real estate, property management and taxi companies, also issued the same vouchers to their employees.

The vouchers can only be used to pay for certain items, and they do not give change if the item purchased is cheaper than the face value.

Imagine always having to shop at an expensive mall instead of AliExpress. It's incredibly expensive and mean!

The company's instructions state that the vouchers can be used to pay property management fees, purchase certain properties and parking spaces owned by the group at a discounted price, and purchase items at another Motian Vitality City mall in their city until the end of this year.

"Many colleagues have mortgages and car loans, as well as young children and elderly parents to support. We are helpless with these vouchers," the author of the post said.

Will they be punished?

The aunties at the market don't take vouchers, so food was also limited

The investigation began only after a post on social media, although everyone received such vouchers! But everyone was silent - such intimidation and mutual responsibility. They would also pay people with food.

"This looks like a modern form of slavery," they wrote on social media.

Moreover, many Chinese from the older generation still remember the times of poverty, when, almost like ours, some companies in Jilin Province gave out packs of cigarettes as wages.

So that's how it is - poverty in the country seems to have passed, but its echoes are still trying to pop up here and there, but under a different sauce. It's pretty scary that some company can become so brazen.

Are they in danger?

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