TOP 10 life hacks for surviving in the forest that will will save (10 photos)
Walking in the forest for a pleasant pastime, picking mushrooms, barbecue - all this, of course, is wonderful. However, going deeper into the thicket, anyone can get lost - there are a lot of news stories about such cases. Especially in the summer. Survival in the forest is always a challenge. However, the right knowledge and skills can not only make the task easier, but also save your life. Here are ten unique and useful life hacks that will come in handy in extreme conditions.
Making a compass from a needle and a sheet
If you get lost, a homemade compass will help you determine the cardinal directions. To do this, find a metal needle or pin and magnetize it by running it through your hair or clothes several times. Then place the needle on the surface of the water (for example, on a sheet so that it stays in place). It will begin to orient itself to the north and south. This method is useful if you do not have a navigator or compass.
Light a fire with chips
If you find yourself in the forest and have nothing to kindle except a couple of dry branches, but you have a pack of chips - you are saved! Chips, due to their fat content and composition, burn better than dry leaves. Just lay them out in a pile and set them on fire. They will quickly catch fire, and you can add larger branches to the fire. This method is especially useful in high humidity conditions, when other materials are difficult to ignite. Plus - you can snack on the remaining chips later!
Turn a soda can into a portable lantern
A regular tin can and a candle can become an indispensable source of light in the dark. Cut the can lengthwise, creating an improvised reflector, and place a candle inside. The design amplifies the light and makes it more directional. If there is no candle, a small fire will do. Such a lantern not only illuminates the space, but also helps to notice you from afar in case of searches.
Use a condom to store water
At first glance, a strange object can become your best friend in survival. Condoms are incredibly elastic and can hold up to two liters of water. Fill it and wrap it in a cloth to avoid damage. Due to its compactness and weight, such a "reservoir" is convenient to carry with you if you need to stock up on water for a long journey.
How to make a water filter from scrap materials
In the forest, clean water is a key resource for survival. If you do not have a filter or water purification tablets, you can make one from what is at hand. You will need a plastic bottle (or tree bark), coal from a fire, sand, gravel and fabric. First, cut off the bottom of the bottle and turn it upside down. Put a layer of fabric on the bottom, then pour a layer of coal, add sand on top of the coal, and then gravel. Each layer performs its own function: coal removes impurities, sand retains small particles, and gravel filters additionally. More or less clean water will flow through the fabric - which is still advisable to boil, of course.
Turn resin into an antiseptic
If you accidentally cut yourself in the forest, find a coniferous tree. Coniferous tree resin has strong antiseptic properties and can help prevent infection. Clean the wound from dirt, apply a little resin to the damaged area and let it dry. This will not only protect the wound from bacteria, but also create a barrier to further dirt.
Make "tinder" from tinder fungi
In a situation where you do not have the usual means for kindling, tinder fungus (a fungus growing on tree trunks) will be your salvation. Its porous structure burns well, especially if you prepare it correctly. Cut the mushroom, dry it, then use a knife or stone to lightly knead the inside until it becomes fibrous. Such tinder catches a spark well even from stone and steel. You will be surprised how long it can burn, providing time for lighting the main fire.
Find water with plants
If you find yourself in a forest without access to drinking water, pay attention to the trees and plants. Birch trees, for example, can give pure juice that will quench your thirst. To do this, make a cut in the bark and put a container underneath. Another way is to look for places where reeds or bulrushes grow: such plants indicate the proximity of water. Use a cloth to collect moisture from plants in the morning or evening.
Get your bearings using an anthill
If you get lost and left your compass at home, find an anthill. These hardworking creatures build their homes taking into account the cardinal directions: the flatter side of the anthill usually faces south to be better warmed by the sun's rays, and the steeper side faces north. This natural landmark will help you determine the cardinal directions and adjust your route.
Make a fish trap from a T-shirt
If you are left without food, an ordinary T-shirt can become your tool for catching fish. Wrap it around stones, leaving a free edge in the form of a bag. Submerge this structure in a stream, securing it on the sides. Fish swimming against the current will get tangled in the fabric. This method works better in narrow sections of a river or stream.