Luxurious underground living quarters: a missile base was put up for sale (9 photos)

24 January 2025

In the 1960s, Allen was home to the Convair SM-65 Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile base. The underground facilities have now been restored and are offered as housing for $749,000.

The Allen silo is one of 132 built in the 1960s to store Atlas E missiles, also known as SM-65E Atlas.

At first glance, the interior space does not seem particularly cozy, since most of it is empty space intended as a shelter.

The first few rooms are unfurnished and connected by a tunnel. The living room and kitchen, however, are combined into one spacious area. Inside, there are two bedrooms with carpeted floors, TVs on the walls, and a double bed. The apartment also has a flat-screen TV, a washing machine, an oven, and a refrigerator, a room with a toilet and shower, which can be accessed from the living room.

In addition to the spacious living space, the territory has a 380-meter long runway.

In total, the entire complex occupies an area of ​​more than 1,400 "squares" on 9.3 hectares of secluded land, fenced on all sides with metal mesh and barbed wire.

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