19 photos from the series "meanwhile in..." that ridicule stereotypes about different cities and countries (20 photos)
The photos were shared by Internet users from all over the world, and the most popular places, unsurprisingly, are Australia and Japan.
You've probably come across funny photos on the Internet with the caption template: "meanwhile in...". The humor here is based on playing up stereotypically ridiculous situations that are typical of a variety of places, such as offices, supermarkets, the subway, or queues at clinics. But sometimes it is used on a much larger scale.
Meanwhile in Venice
Meanwhile in Alaska
Meanwhile in Texas
Meanwhile at Machu Picchu
Meanwhile in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Meanwhile in Australia
Meanwhile in Germany
Meanwhile in Japan
Meanwhile in South Korea
Meanwhile in Montreal (Canada)
Meanwhile in Sweden
Meanwhile in Finland. This is where personal space is truly valued
Meanwhile in China
Meanwhile in Japan
Meanwhile in Dubai
Meanwhile in India
Only those who are firmly convinced of reincarnation can risk coming closer.
Meanwhile in Romania