30 roommates who belong on the board of shame (31 photos)

14 January 2025

Living with another person isn't all pizza parties and game nights. Whether it's about quiet, respecting personal space, or sharing chores, you need to learn to compromise to feel at home. But not everyone can do it. To show just how annoying cohabitation can be, we've collected stories from people who weren't lucky enough to have roommates.

1. I have already told her politely several times, but my patience has snapped

2. Our relative has cancer, her immune system is absent, and she is practically chained to bed

A few days ago we disinfected her entire house. We came to her place and found this. We told her neighbor to move out immediately.

3. Kicked out my neighbor. This was his room, so you can imagine how he felt about the rest of the house

4. I left my apartment for about a month because of the coronavirus. When I came back I found this: the air conditioner was set to 4°C, the sink faucet was leaking, the door was open, and the neighbor had moved out

5. How My Neighbor Makes Beef Jerky

6. My Neighbor Borrowed My Car and Crashed It. She refused to pay for the repairs unless I let her drive it in the future

7. Couldn't find my mugs - looked in my neighbor's room.

8. A staunch opponent of hygiene moved out and left behind trash. I hope this isn't what everyone thinks...

9. My neighbor's friend washed my cast iron skillet in the dishwasher and then left it there for a few days

10. My neighbor invited a couple of friends over, everything would be fine, but they destroyed my cheese! It had been maturing for 2.5 months and was almost ready

11. My neighbor is the worst person

12. For several days now, my neighbor has been receiving guests in our apartment, and I have already told her that I am not comfortable. The living space is small and we share a shower

13. Gave my neighbor money to buy a certain brand of toilet paper. He brought this

Said he took this one because it was cheaper. He kept the change.

14. My neighbor uses an air purifier 24/7 instead of cleaning the cat litter box. The whole house smelled like cat poop

15. 3 weeks ago I replaced the countertop because my neighbor was cutting food on the countertop

I asked you not to do that again. That was today.

16. My roommate is driving me crazy

17. My roommate hasn't paid his rent for 3 months, and his room smells bad

I'm pretty sure he won't come back, so I'll have to clean up after him.

18. My neighbors poured hot glue on my door lock

19. My neighbor uses my towels to remove makeup

20. My boyfriend's neighbor never washes his frying pan

21. This is why I keep things in my room

22. I hate my neighbor

23. Threw meat defrost

24. I'm the only one who cooks in this house, but I don't have room for groceries

25. Neighbor used my mouthwash and then poured water into it

26. Neighbor admitted to using my bowl to soak his foot when he had an ingrown toenail nail

27. Another prank of the 40-year-old neighbor

28. Never closes the lid

29. The roommate always pays for apartment in $1 bills

He works as a bartender and gets a lot of tips. I've asked him several times to change the bills before paying, but he takes it as a joke. At first it was, but now it's annoying.

30. The neighbors constantly set the heating temperature to 90° F

Isn't that crazy? I always wake up in a sweat, and no matter how much I adjust the temperature to 21°C (I'm sure that's the average temperature for an apartment at any time of year), they always turn it up.

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