Comparisons of Real Scientists and the Actors Who Played Them in Biographical Films (17 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
8 January 2025

Many actors and actresses have portrayed scientists on screen. For example, Rosamund Pike played Marie Sklodowska-Curie in the film "Dangerous Element" and Eddie Redmayne masterfully played the role of Stephen Hawking in the film "Hawking's Universe". Now all that remains is to compare their screen images with what real scientists looked like.

Sigmund Freud — Viggo Mortensen in A Dangerous Method

Carl Gustav Jung — Michael Fassbender in A Dangerous Method

Maria Sklodowska-Curie — Rosamund Pike in A Dangerous Method element»

Nize da Silveira — Gloria Pires in the film «Nize da Silveira: Senora des images»

Hypatia — Rachel Weisz in the film "Agora"

Nikola Tesla - Ethan Hawke in the film "Tesla"

Thomas Edison - Benedict Cumberbatch in the film "The Current War".

Charles Darwin — Paul Bettany in the film "Origin"

Srinivasa Ramanujan — Dev Patel in the film "The Man Who Knew Infinity"

Stephen Hawking — Eddie Redmayne in the film "Steven Universe" Hawking"

Basil Brown — Ralph Fiennes in the film "The Dig"

Niels Bohr — Stephen Rea in the film "Copenhagen"

Werner Heisenberg — Daniel Craig in the film "Copenhagen"

James Murray - Mel Gibson in the film "A Beautiful Mind"

James Glaisher - Eddie Redmayne in the film "The Aeronauts"

John Forbes Nash - Russell Crowe in the film "Games of the mind"

Robert Oppenheimer - Cillian Murphy in the film "Oppenheimer"

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