Why will you never see turkey eggs on the shelves? (5 photos)

Category: Animals, Food, PEGI 0+
24 December 2024

Boiled and fried, in a pie or sunny-side up — chicken eggs are impossible to cross out of our diet. There are more exotic options for gourmets: duck, quail and even ostrich. But you won’t find turkey eggs on any farm. But why? Is it possible that feathered competitors don’t let them into the market?

Let’s start with the pros. Of course, turkey eggs are much larger than chicken eggs — their weight reaches 70-80 grams. This is comparable to the highest category - you can rarely find such eggs even in stores! For comparison, the weight of a first-grade egg is from 55 to 65 grams, 1.5 times less! But with all the costs and markups, one, albeit very large, turkey egg costs as much as three packs of chicken eggs!

After such a comparison, a pack of eggs does not look so expensive...

Firstly, turkeys start laying eggs quite late - as early as 7-9 months of life. By this time, hens have been laying eggs for 2-4 months! In addition, the difference in quantity is colossal. A young laying hen in her prime lays 5-6 eggs per week. A turkey with the same input data can only produce 2 eggs in the same period.

Turkey eggs are also sold. But these are eggs with fruits. That is, they are bought not for food, but for creating a new farm with turkeys.

And what prevents you from bothering advertisers and telling them about the incredible beneficial properties? That's right - their absence! Turkey eggs taste little different from chicken eggs. They contain more protein and some vitamins. But they also contain several times more cholesterol. It turns out that turkey eggs are healthier, but if you eat too much of them, you can harm your heart and blood vessels.

In winter, getting ready for work at 7 am, we are all a little sad turkey.

But this situation does not upset anyone, because birds were never intended to be bred for omelets and fried eggs. Native Americans hunted turkeys and domesticated them only for meat. The arriving Europeans also appreciated the taste of turkey breast and almost immediately sent the birds home - for breeding.

The weight of adult turkeys is from 10 to 35 kg. And turkey hens - from 4 to 10 kg. This is like several broilers!

For five centuries, selection has been carried out in two directions: decorative and meat. No one has ever tried to make layers from turkeys. So it turns out that in the matter of egg production, birds are centuries behind!

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