Magical bird from Dijon (11 photos)

17 December 2024

For over 300 years, this tiny owl has been considered the city's lucky charm.

In the corner of Dijon's oldest church sits a small stone owl. It's seen better days and is pretty worn, but for over three centuries it's been doing an important job: granting the wishes of anyone who reaches out and strokes its cute little face.

This is the owl of Notre-Dame de Dijon, the symbol of the city and an unofficial mascot. The owl nests about two meters above the ground in an inconspicuous corner of the church, and according to tradition, if you touch it with your left hand and make a wish, it will definitely come true.

The original Gothic structure of Notre Dame dates back to the 13th century, but the owl is not that old. It was added - no one knows why or by whom - during the construction of a more modern chapel (and by European church standards, "modern" means the early 16th century) on the north wall. The narrow pedestrian street here is called Rue de la Chouette - "Owl Street".

Dijon is a fairly well-known place, and the church is right in the center, so you can imagine how many left hands have touched the carving over the past three hundred years. The bird's head, probably once clearly defined, now looks more like a melted wax mold.

A magical owl is attached to the Notre Dame church in Dijon, although it is not known who created it or where it came from

The bird has become a symbol of Dijon, the capital of the Burgundy region. Owls represent everything from the local football team to official tourist sites, marked by brass plaques featuring cartoon owls that form a trail of objects throughout the city.

The owl is part of the city's "Owl Trail", which connects historical sites in a walking tour

The history of the owl as a symbol of wisdom goes back to Athena, the ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, who was depicted as an owl in her animal form. The bird is invariably associated with a firm and clear mind. And in Dijon, they added a touch of magic to this.

The trail is easy to follow and is marked with triangles with a golden owls

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