American woman spent hundreds of thousands preparing for the end of the world and now saves on holiday dinners (4 photos)

17 December 2024

US resident Rowan Mackenzie began preparing for the end of the world 13 years ago by stocking up on products with a long shelf life. And now she has so much food in her pantry that she can set 15 holiday tables for just $50.

A thrifty American woman shared how she cooks Christmas dinner using products with an appropriate expiration date.

At first, the 40-year-old woman only bought essential products, such as beans and rice. Over the years, she has learned to preserve food, and now claims that most of her supplies will stay fresh for at least another 25 years.

The family eats a lot of the supplies during Christmas dinner.

"Usually during the holidays I actively use my supplies," the housewife shares. "This means that I take products whose expiration date is approaching. And, accordingly, there is room for new ones. We are talking about dried fruits, nuts, sauces and preserves."

Rowan has invested over $350,000 in supplies, as well as building a bunker under her home.

Despite the huge expenses, she still comes out on top: "Every Christmas I cook for 15 people. I don't have to spend much because I already have most of the things I need. I usually only spend $50 on food."

Mackenzie also shared how happy she is that Trump is back in office. She will now be able to relax and not stockpile as much, since Trump is committed to peaceful resolution of conflicts.

She added: "My main advice is to not panic. Take a deep breath, make a list and follow it. There is nothing better than feeling prepared and that your family is safe. My friends and family think I'm crazy. But when the inevitable happens, they won't say that anymore."

1 comment
23 December 2024
3 403 comments
"Мои друзья и родные считают меня сумасшедшей. Но когда придёт неизбежное, они уже не будут так говорить"
Угу. Они все придут к тебе... и, скорее всего, с оружием.
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