18 eco-friendly inventions that save our planet (19 photos)

17 December 2024

Big things start small, and it is not necessary to immediately install solar panels on your roof, completely refuse plastic bags and switch to a diet of grass and water. You can start by choosing more environmentally friendly products and ideas, of which there are more and more in the world!

1. This store uses paper bags instead of plastic

2. To avoid using bags, this shoe box has pen

3. Carlsberg made beer packaging with a minimum amount of plastic

4. Parking in Hawaii uses grass instead of markings paint

5. This store uses leaves instead of plastic packaging

6. "Our guide's invention, with which she collects empty bottles along the route"

7. Water droplets in this cafe are not wasted, but water the plants

8. Hotel soap that doesn't leave an unused piece behind

9. The straw in this cocktail is edible - with strawberry taste

10. 2000 plastic bottles recycled into this bench

11. "Ugly" lemons that weren't included in the regular packaging

12. A special thing that cuts out picks from old cards

13. To avoid throwing away buns, this store gives them away after closing free

14. This jar has a lid that you can close and open again

15. Detergent in cardboard packaging instead of plastic

16. This cup is not plastic - it is made from sugar cane

17. Water fountain shows how many bottles it saved

18. Shoe repair shop uses old tires as soles

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