Fragments of history: interesting and rare retro photos of Europe (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
17 December 2024

When you look at these pictures, you immediately picture the stories of the people in the picture, at what point in their lives they were photographed, where they are from, what they did, what they loved...

Garbage truck. Paris, 1950.

One can only guess what aromas were left after this train with garbage.

Mother and daughter in the mountains of Switzerland, 1917.

Switzerland is now a very rich country, but it was not always so. I wonder what they carried in such unusual backpacks?

Author Der Vereinigten Kunstanst. A.-G.

Paris, 1922.

What's wrong with her face? On a cool two-seater motorcycle with a personal driver, and against the backdrop of the legendary tower - an incredible dream of many. And she looks like she ate a lemon. Modern ladies would even bare their shoulders for such an occasion, posing deliciously.

A girl looks at frozen underwear. Norway, 1963.

It's freezing, but the girl's knees are bare, she's hardened! We like to take photos like this in the northern regions of the country.

Treating a child from lice, 1945. The child cries as he is sprayed with DDT disinfectant powder at the Nikolsburger Platz school in Wilemsdorf, Germany.

In those years, they did not yet know about the harmful properties of DDT. On the contrary, DDT helped to avoid several epidemics and improve the situation with malaria in tropical countries.

Our home treatment method was also not entirely humane, rubbing hair with kerosene.

Photographer: George Koenig

Summer shower, 1949.

Photographer: Robert Doisneau

Mountaineers reach the summit of Jungfrau. Switzerland, 1903.

It's hard to imagine this now. When I see old photos of sports, hunting, fishing or, for example, mountaineering. Where would you go in such a costume?! At most - to a theme party.

Italian wedding, 1940s.

Indescribable joy on the faces of the older generation. Mom keeps her boy from rash actions

Shepherds on the top of Parnassus. Greece, 1903.

A very atmospheric and interesting photo, like a still from the movie "The Lord of the Rings".

Photographer: Frederic Boisson

Bookseller. Paris, 1948.

How many cats were found?

A horse rescued from a canal in Amsterdam, 1929. There is no barrier, there must have been animals and vehicles getting into the canal, invisible, and they had to be pulled out later, but history is silent about this

The fire brigade rescuers use a specially equipped lift (the so-called Van Sinck horse lift).

A baby takes his first steps with the help of a wicker frame. France, 1910s.

A prototype of a playpen or walker from the early 20th century, or a hat for growth.

A girl picks up coal spilled from a truck on the road. Dublin, 1972.

Apparently the girl is from a very poor family. It reminded me of how I, as a child, collected sugar beets along the road near a field that had fallen out of a loaded truck.

Mother with daughter. Spain, 1957.

And she doesn't even hold the basket with her hand.

A young Swedish gentleman on Edward Petrini's pedal roller skates, 1911.

By the 1910s, roller skating had become a very popular pastime on both sides of the ocean. Hundreds of rollerdromes of all types and sizes were being built in Europe and the United States.

A Homeless Child. Paris, 1918.

The photograph was taken by American sociologist and photographer Lewis Hine. Hine used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs were instrumental in changing child labor laws in the United States.

Photographer: Lewis Hine

Open-air school in the Netherlands, 1957. An open-air classroom in the Netherlands. These schools were built for sick children and to combat tuberculosis.

Selling figurines on the street. Berlin, 1921.

Paris, 1950.

Photographer: Robert Doisneau

Ballerina. Paris Opera, 1950s.

Photographer: Kees Scherer

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