Indian sword "nagan" (3 photos)

Category: Weapon, PEGI 0+
12 December 2024

Relatively recently in our country the word "nagant" was a synonym for a revolver in general, regardless of its system. And few people knew about the Belgian inventors Emile and Leon Nagant, who developed this remarkable small arms.

It goes without saying that among combat blades there already exists a revolver, only specialists knew about it. And such an unusual weapon, as often happens, comes from India. This country is generally famous for its huge variety of bladed weapons. Just listing the names of the types of weapons can take several pages of text.

The name of the Indian naghan translates as "snake sword". The handle of the naghan often resembles the handle of the khanda sword, having the same protrusion-spigot on top and a protective bow connecting the pommel with the guard. Other types of handles could also be found, for example, from the Indian weapon talwar. However, the handle here has a fairly typical shape for India. The main feature of the weapon is undoubtedly its blade.

It wriggles like a steel cobra with a swollen hood, ready to use both the inexorable sting of the tip and the long double-edged "tail".

It should be noted that the blade of the Indian Nagan sword, in addition to its flaming shape, also necessarily has a serrated blade along its entire length. But the "hood" near the tip, although quite common, gives additional charm to the weapon, is not an obligatory part.

Speaking about the technical characteristics of the weapon, it is difficult to indicate the usual length of the weapon, since too few real samples forged before the occupation of India by the British Empire have reached us. One can only assume that the sword could be from 101.6 cm to 127 cm long on average, and the smallest were 91.4-92 cm.

And in general, it can be stated that the revolver sword has practically not been studied by specialists. For example, it is unknown when this sword first appeared, how and by whom it was used in battle. And was it used at all? Since the use of this weapon in religious practices is beyond doubt.

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