Why is the revolver bullet recessed into the sleeve (6 photos)

Category: Weapon
22 November 2022

The legendary weapon had an original design. Creators it was found by many interesting and at that time very advanced solutions.

Special bullets were made for the revolver. Now in the course of cartridges with protruding bullet head, only partially immersed in the sleeve. BUT for the revolver they were made completely recessed into it. Sleeve even a little stood out for the contours of the bullet.

The brothers Leon and Emile Nagant were from Liege. Senior invented the original design of the weapon, and then together they created an enterprise Fabrique d'Armes Emile et Leon Nagant and began to produce revolvers in industrial quantity.

The design was common for this type of weapon. Rotating the drum was loaded with 9 mm cartridges. There were two types shot: either by manually cocking the hammer, or automatically - by pulling the trigger.

The brothers were able to ensure that their creation was adopted by the Belgian army.

First, they set up deliveries of a six-shot revolver model with double escapement model 1878. And then for the shooters and They decided to simplify the revolver for junior officers by removing the cocking trigger. This is how the 1883 model of the year appeared and soon the weapon began to be called by the names of the creators - Nagan.

In 1895, the brothers won the competition and signed a contract for the supply of 20 thousands of weapons for the needs of the Russian army. But in our country a seven-shot revolver with a caliber of 7.62 mm was widely used.

In addition to deliveries from the enterprise of the Nagant brothers, an agreement under which revolvers began to be produced on several enterprises directly in Russia. That's when the revolver and became one of the most famous and recognizable species in our country weapons.

In parallel, they began to produce those very special cartridges with a bullet recessed into the sleeve. Why didn't the regular ones fit?

Unfortunately, the older brother, Emil Nagan, shortly after development the first models were blinded and completed by the youngest - Leon. Found out one typical problem. The drum must rotate and therefore between it and the barrel will still be small, but the gap.

When the trigger mechanism is struck, the gunpowder explodes and gases are formed that push the bullet out of the barrel at high speed.

But because of the gap, part of the gases dissipated and the fraction of energy was wasted. Accuracy, range and strength suffered from this. hit. Leon never figured out how to change the design of the revolver. And then he came up with a tricky move - he changed the cartridge.

The bullet turned out to be recessed into an elongated sleeve. The explosion took place inside her. For a fraction of a second, under gas pressure, the sleeve expanded and blocked gap. The energy stopped dissipating. Gases pushed the bullet from all over by force.

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