18 owners who took care of the safety of their dogs (19 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
28 November 2024

Dogs do not tolerate loneliness or even short separations very well. Therefore, owners are often forced to take their pets with them. But what should you do if you need to travel by bus, subway, or just walk for a long time?

To ensure that the trip is safe and comfortable, you should take care of the transportation method in advance. Many owners, instead of classic carriers and cages, prefer to use bags, backpacks, and special devices for transporting animals. Of course, dogs are not always delighted with temporary inconveniences. However, they are ready to endure for a short time so as not to part with their beloved owner for a moment.

Shows dissatisfaction

During the trip, the dog should not experience discomfort or stress. Make sure that the bag in which the pet is located is not too tight and hot. It should also fit its size.


He looks so happy! I bet if he was a kid he'd say hi to everyone.

Can I always walk like this?

He's so happy about everything that's happening!

A woman's purse can hold anything, even a whole dog

He seems to be looking forward to the upcoming trip

The tailed traveler will feel much calmer if the owner constantly talks to him and communicates with him. Also, you should not suppress the pet's natural curiosity if he shows it. However, this does not mean that the dog can be allowed everything.

Great camouflage

I carry all my stuff with me

A little tired

Yeah, I'm quite convenient

The owner left for a minute on very important business

It seems like a strange payback - remember how many times a person has watched a dog do its natural business.

We present to your attention a new model of a dog that is very convenient to take with you

When the trip is a little long and you are a little tired

Transport with everyone amenities

Give treats regularly so your pet feels like the carrier or bag is a safe place to rest or take a nap. Your dog should also always have access to water.

A bit cramped

Anti-street-thief protection system

Maximum relaxation

Take me wherever you want — I want everything equals

You should accustom your dog to travel from puppyhood. In this case, the dog will calmly treat loud sounds, unfamiliar smells and people.

Sweet pie

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