Instead of mannequins - real people on a treadmill in a shop window (4 photos + 1 video)
China and the world are discussing videos in which, instead of mannequins, a fashion store in China uses real women dressed in its brand's clothes. They don't stand still and pose, but walk on a treadmill the whole time to show how luxurious the clothes look in motion.
By the way, the designer brand ITIB, which has a chain of retail stores of fashionable things and clothes, came up with this idea.
Good intentions straight to hell
This decision is dictated by the fact that people have stopped believing how beautiful clothes look on a mannequin. After all, they put it on so stylishly and pinched the excess at the waist.
The store decided to show how good its clothes look in a real environment. And they put treadmills and real girls on the windows.
The very first video with such advertising simply blew up the Internet.
Some criticized the exploitation of models. Others found it funny, comparing this work with "getting money for training".
But everyone agrees on one thing: it is unethical to use live models in this way, calling it exploitation and excessive consumption.

Children stand and stare at aunties
All this smacks of dystopia and monstrous social stratification, which China is fighting against very fiercely on social networks. Meanwhile, under their noses, such things are happening that people work as mannequins.
And how could it be otherwise?

In Europe, they did this for the sake of pranks, when a mannequin in a shop window would start moving abruptly, scaring passersby
To be honest, if they had removed the treadmills and asked the models to just walk past the boutique, there would have been no scandal. But now it looks like the girls are galley slaves who can't stop for a minute. I'm waiting for the Chinese authorities to close the store. I bet it won't last even a week.
What I want to say is, why didn't they just dress their consultants in their own brand?! This is the best demonstration on live people, and it also comes with its own uniform. Otherwise, wherever you go, all the consultants are either in dull suits or T-shirts.

Why are ordinary mannequins no longer satisfactory?! What's the point?
And consultants in beautiful dresses - that doesn't work? Or a woman won't want to buy a dress like the one from the consultant in the store, but will want a dress like the girl in the display case with a penny hourly rate?