A man took 38 dogs for a walk at the same time and broke a world record (2 photos)

Category: Animals, Records, PEGI 0+
24 October 2024

The man got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Mitchell Rudy (Canada) decided to draw public attention to the problem of homeless dogs that need a new owner. The man took 38 homeless dogs and took them for a walk. In this way, he was able to break the record for the number of dogs that one person can walk at the same time. All the dogs that took part in the record walk were rescued from the street and transferred to the KK9R shelter.

The record holder said that he really enjoyed the walk. Despite the fact that holding 38 dogs at once is not so easy, Mitchell will continue to amaze the public and plans to take 40 dogs for a walk.

All these dogs are homeless, some of them are from puppy mills, some are from former slaughterhouses. They need a home and we can help the dogs find owners!, - Mitchell said.

Mitchell explained that the original idea for this idea was inspired by the desire to place as many dogs as possible in a short period of time. We hope he succeeded!

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