Childhood photos of celebrities and their parents (14 photos)

Yesterday, 14:42

We suggest you look at a selection of old family photos of stars, which were captured long before their fame. Many of them are still very small in the pictures. Interesting and enjoyable viewing for everyone.

Angelina Jolie and her mom and dad

Actress Marcheline Bertrand and prominent Hollywood actor Jon Voight, who still has more awards than his daughter.

Eminem and his mother Deborah Nelson Mathers-Briggs, 1973

The heroine of many of his songs.

Robin Williams and his mother Laura McLaurin, 1957

Here the actor is 6 years old.

Henry Cavill with his mother Marianne Cavill, 1987

He's already wearing a sweater with the Superman symbol!

Eric Clapton and his mother Patricia Molly Clapton, 1971

Everyone else just has family photos from old albums, but this couple is shooting for TIME magazine.

Patrick Stewart with his mother Gladys Stewart, early 1940s

The photo looks really old. Let's remember that Professor X is now 84 years old.

Keith Richards and his mother Doris Dupré, 1945

Does this young man look like one of the main rock stars of the 20th century?

Norma Jean Mortenson and her mother Gladys Pearl Baker, 1920s

The girl in the photo is the future Marilyn Monroe.

A very young Jeff Bridges with his father Lloyd Bridges, 1951

The father looks an awful lot like a young Sean Penn!

Salvatore Pacino, Rosa Pacino and little Alfredo, 1940

The photo is happy, but only until you find out that Al's parents divorced when he was 2 years old.

Goldie Hawn and her father Edward Rutledge Hawn, 1960

Robert De Niro with his father, artist Robert De Niro Sr.

1946 (Robert was 3 years old) and 1985.

Ben Stiller and his father, actor Jerry Stiller

In the photo Ben is 13 years old, 1978.

Freddie Mercury and his mooooooooooooooooooooo Jerry Bulsara, 1947

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