Our hands are not for boredom, our hands are hooks: 21 examples of terrible repairs and design (22 photos)

Yesterday, 14:43

When a brilliant idea comes to mind, it makes sense to slow down and ask yourself a couple of simple but very important questions: “Can I handle it?”, “Do I even need such a thing?”, “Will it work?”, “Maybe I should contact a professional?” Alas, not everyone does this, and this selection of crazy inventions and creative attempts to fix something is proof of that.

1. “My wife and I were tearing down a wall and saw this… An iPhone 5s box was used as a holder for a fan remote control. And you can't tell under the plasterboard!"

2. "Helping a friend repair a recent purchase. I never thought I'd have to describe a foundation to someone as cinder blocks weighed down by a rock"

3. "The relay in the dryer is broken: it starts when you press the start button, but stops working when you let go. I fixed it"

4. "No money, but I need a sofa"

5. "A friend fixed the monitor..."

6. "Because hammocks are bigger out of fashion"

7. "Brake light switch"

8. "Children's bike from classifieds"

9. "Yes, I am made"

10. "No Words"

11. "Grandpa said he set up a toilet in the attic of his store. Yes, it's a funnel. Yes, it goes through a hole in the wall. And yes, it all runs down the outside corner of the building."

12. "Instant noodles can not only be eaten, but also worn as jewelry"

13. "There was a hole in the window, and this is how our school solved it seal it up"

14. "If it can float, it can float"

15. "It's terribly hot and I can't hang anything out of my house windows"

16. "The previous owner of my house fixed the gap between the floorboards by nailing flattened tin cans to them"

17. "I'm more discouraged than scared"

18. "Dining chair that was somehow attached to the bottom of an office chair"

19. "Worker manually drills speaker in elevator of new $100 million building dollars"

20. "I came across her at work today. Handmade from Fanta cans"

21. "Quickfix for those who don't know much about electricity"

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