Nutritionist named 10 products that increase the risk of cancer (7 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
Today, 01:56

Nicole Andrews, MD, has listed foods and drinks that should be avoided. "I know how nutrition affects treatment outcomes and reducing the risk of relapse in cancer survivors. Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation out there that people can't eat right. I'm here to help you figure this out," the nutritionist said.

Nicole started her list with alcohol.

She explained, "I don't drink alcohol. All types of alcohol, including red wine, increase the risk of six types of cancer. This is due to the ethanol it contains. Drinking alcohol, even in small amounts, increases the risk of cancer."

The second item on the list was pepperoni and processed meats. Nicole continued, "Consuming processed meats increases the risk of colorectal cancer."

She also recommends avoiding jerky and corned beef.

The fourth "no" is sugary drinks.

"To maintain your weight, you need to control your calorie intake. I don't want those calories to come from sugary sodas. When I dine out, I order water or unsweetened iced tea, or diet soda."

Nicole warns that obesity increases the risk of developing 13 types of cancer.

The fifth "no" is a hot dog. But you can make a healthy alternative by making homemade sausages.

Tip number six is ​​to give up sugar and opt for artificial sweeteners.

The seventh questionable dish is steak.

The doctor explained: "Eating more than 500 grams of red meat per week increases the risk of colorectal cancer. I usually limit myself to one serving per week. When I go out to a restaurant or cook at home, I prefer dishes made from chicken, turkey, fish, seafood or plant proteins such as soy."

It's also important to watch what kind of coffee you choose.

"I love coffee and consider it a safe choice, but I'm concerned about its calorie content. I always order semi-sweet, take a small portion. This approach helps me maintain a balance of flavor and not exceed the calorie norm."

White bread and rice are also questionable.

"I'm a big fan of whole grains. Whole grains will help you lower your risk of colon and breast cancer. They have more fiber and nutrients because they're less processed. I eat brown rice, whole grain pasta, rye bread, whole grain tortillas. White bread doesn't increase your risk of cancer, but I don't eat it."

She concluded by saying that she prefers cow's milk over plant-based alternatives: "I always prefer cow's milk and other dairy products because they are a source of many nutrients. However, if you have a dairy allergy, dairy alternatives can be a great choice. They are all safe and if you like them, continue to enjoy them, but I do not choose them because of the low protein content. Cow's milk, due to its rich calcium content, helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Consuming dairy products, especially low-fat ones, reduces the risk of colon cancer."

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