The Most Recognizable Weapons in Iconic Computer Games (12 photos)

Category: Games, PEGI 0+
Today, 01:56

There are countless computer games that use a variety of weapons. Some weapons were based on real guns, some were invented from scratch, and some were even created based on toys. But some weapons have become so popular that if you show a gamer only them, they can easily determine what game they are from.


I would like to start with the cult shooter of 1993 - "Doom". The game about a space marine who single-handedly deals with demons on Mars became an absolute hit, and in principle it can be called the "daddy" of all shooters (and "Wolfenstein 3D" is probably the "grandfather" of shooters).

The game features a wide variety of weapons, but two types of weapons stand out, the very first and the very last.

Yes, one of the game's calling cards is certainly the chainsaw, which serves us as a melee weapon that cuts monsters into pieces. Moreover, we do not get the chainsaw right away. We still need to find it.

The gamers of that time had a question: "What is a chainsaw doing on a Martian research station?" But it was only in the third part of the game that the developers decided to give an answer. As it turned out, the company "Mixom Tools" messed something up, and instead of a batch of jackhammers, they sent a batch of chainsaws to the station.

The second recognizable weapon is certainly the BFG-9000, which is popularly deciphered as the Big F**king Gun. This weapon is so powerful that it can demolish a crowd at once. True, it is worth considering that one shot will take away 70 charges at once, so it is better not to waste ammunition on trifles.


From the game "Doom" we will move on to an equally cult shooter, namely the game "Half-Life". This game also includes a wide variety of weapons, among which you can even find a sniper crossbow, a rocket launcher and bioweapons (bugs and a paw).

But still, the calling card of the game is undoubtedly the crowbar, with which Gordon Freeman extinguishes enemy creatures in close combat. Without this attribute, you can no longer imagine the main character. It's like taking off his glasses and shaving his beard.


Oh, I remember the first time I played the first "Hitman". I was so excited, because I had never played a game of this genre before.

Despite the fact that the game also has a variety of weapons, many missions can be completed without using them at all, that is, in silent mode.

And since Hitman basically positions himself as a silent killer, he always has a special noose string in his inventory, with which he can silently eliminate an enemy by approaching him from behind. Moreover, this weapon can always be safely carried with you, because metal detectors do not react to it, and it will not arouse suspicion in anyone during a search.

Well, since we're talking about the game "Hitman", we can't help but remember the dual pistols, which can also be considered the game's calling card, because they are even depicted on posters and advertising materials with the game.

Diablo 2

Now I'd like to talk a little about the wonderful game "Diablo 2". Yes, there are just a ton of weapons in this game, and a wide variety of them. But it's unlikely that most gamers will even remember the names of these types of weapons.

However, each of you will definitely remember one weapon. Of course, we are talking about Wirt's leg, which we find next to the boy's corpse in the burnt Tristram, and with which you can get to the legendary cow level.

Of course, some will be outraged that this is not a weapon, but in fact this is not so. Wirt's leg is a club with its own damage. You can take it in your hand and kill enemies. However, it is unlikely that anyone will use such a weapon.


I remember how I first played "Worms" on the "Sega mega drive 2" console (by the way, it was my only time). But a little later I came across "Worms" on the computer. How cool it was to play this funny game with friends, using the most diverse, and sometimes absurd weapons.

One of the most memorable weapons is the sheep. When released, the sheep will run in a given direction, jumping over small obstacles. But if the obstacle is too big, it will run back. To blow up the sheep, you need to press the shoot button again, but if you do not, it will explode itself 5 seconds after release.

Another recognizable weapon is the holy grenade, which explodes so powerfully (with a characteristic chant of "Hallelujah") that it leaves behind a huge crater. Surviving such a blow is quite difficult.

Counter Strike

Naturally, I couldn't forget about "Counter Strike", where we had to play either for terrorists or for counter-terrorists, destroying our opponents (players or bots), freeing hostages or defusing/planting bombs.

The game has a large number of real weapons, but gamers especially highlight the AWP sniper rifle, which is popularly called an elephant killer or simply an elephant because of its power, because if you hit an enemy in the head or chest with it, he will go to the next world without the slightest delay.

The only downside was the long reload time after each shot. But one thing is for sure: most gamers despised campers who hid in a convenient place with an "elephant", shooting at opponents.

Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven

I will not forget about one of my favorite games, namely the game "Mafia: The city of Lost Heaven". Completing each level (except for racing) caused me wild delight. Playing this cult game, I was immersed in the atmosphere of the 30s...

Okay, let's not talk about my memories, because we are talking about weapons. As for this game, I think many will agree that the most recognizable weapons here are the typical gangster sawed-off shotgun and Thompson submachine gun.

I was always wildly annoyed that before completing most missions, we were not given "Thompsons", unlike our clumsy partners. Therefore, we basically had to find the coveted submachine guns directly in battle.

Warcraft 3

Well, let's finish our article today with weapons from the game "Warcraft 3". Yes, I agree, in this game there is no division by type of weapon, and we will not be able to replace our hero's hammer with a bow and arrows.

Nevertheless, the cursed sword "Frostmourne" (Icemourne) is a recognizable weapon, because it was with it that Arthas' corruption began, and it is with it in his hands that he fights when he becomes a death knight.

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