Akita Inu: a victim of the film Hachiko (9 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 18:58

Akita Inu, a large Japanese dog, or simply Akita, is a very complex, wayward and stubborn breed of aboriginal dogs. Unfortunately, they made a really cool movie about them, and this is a death sentence for almost any breed. This was the case with huskies, Jack Russells, Dalmatians and St. Bernards: as it turned out, in real life, these mutts are completely different!

Only those who are strong in spirit and character can become a friend and comrade for this breed.

A maximally traditional photo.

For movies, dogs are trained by professional dog handlers and often several similar animals are taken for one role. So, in 2009, that same Hachiko was played by several puppies and 3 adult dogs, who were trained for the role for six months. Akitas were shown to us as wise and understanding, loyal, devoted and very smart. But what about in life?

By the way, that very real Hachiko looked like this.

In life, these smart guys are given to shelters and brought to clinics for euthanasia, because even dog handlers cannot cope with their dog self-confidence. The mutts attack children, bite their owners, strangle cats and fight to the death with all the dogs in the area. Many countries have included this breed in the list of "especially dangerous" and obliged owners to walk their Hachikos exclusively with a muzzle and on a short leash.

Excuse me, but can you tell me the stop word?

Because there was no selection for a sociable character among Japanese mutts: throughout history they were working and guard dogs. And in the 21st century, people suddenly decided to have them lie quietly on the couch and not say a word. That doesn't happen!

I won't play with you, criminal (on the left - an adult Shiba Inu; on the right - an adult Akita Inu)!

It is not known for certain when exactly the dogs began to cooperate with the Japanese. They say it was about 8,000 years ago, or maybe even earlier. Initially, Akitas were used to hunt large and very ferocious game - bears, wild boars, serows and macaques. The dogs of those times were smaller than modern ones and, most likely, had more wool, since the ancestors of Akitas are considered to be ancient Spitz-type dogs.

Three buns from right to left: not baked, burnt, done.

Over time, the proto-Akita was adapted for guarding, and then introduced to dog fights. To improve the fighting qualities of the woolly ones, they were crossed with larger and more aggressive breeds, which led to an increase in the size of the animals to their current size. Today, a standard male grows up to 71 centimeters at the withers and weighs almost 60 kilograms - this is more than a large German shepherd.

These mutts won't do well in an apartment - they're better off in an enclosure in a private home.

Fighters and hunters in the past, Japanese mutts are designed to make their own decisions. For centuries, they were expected to be stubborn, willful, strong-willed and steadfast. They are still like that: Akitas don't perceive their owner as the ruler of the whole earth. They can easily challenge your opinion and do things their own way. But it's one thing when a trembling Chihuahua argues with you, and another when a horse weighing as much as you is arguing.

A sweet pie with a filling of anger.

That is why experts do not advise taking a Japanese Barbosina as your first dog. It will be very difficult for a beginner in dog breeding with stubborn natives. Finding a dog trainer is also not an easy task. Not everyone will take this specific breed into work. When raising an Akita, it is important to maintain a balance: excessive kindness will put the dog on your neck, and excessive harshness will embitter and turn it into your worst nightmare.

You're next!

It's important to start training literally from the first days of the puppy's life at home. Set the rules and strictly adhere to them. Be the main one for the dog, but also become its friend and partner. Will the dog wait for you after all this, like that very Hachiko? Not a fact. There was universal devotion of one dog, which does not characterize the breed as a whole. The stuffed animal of the real Hachiko is still kept in the museum. And if you make a mistake in raising your Akita, then the stuffed animal will be from you.

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