Pirate statue and its controversial, but inspiring story (6 photos)

Yesterday, 23:16

The story behind this simple yet symbolic sculpture is ambiguous. But interesting.

It says that many years ago, a man was admitted to a Hartford hospital after a heart attack. Right in front of the hospital door, he said to his dog, "Wait." The dog sat and obediently waited for his owner.

Unfortunately, he did not survive and died in the hospital (so says one version). However, his loyal dog named Pirate never moved from the place where his man told him to stay. Although the hospital workers tried to persuade and entice the faithful animal with food, Pirate refused to move.

Many employees truly loved the dog and wanted to take him home so that he would not freeze on the cold concrete steps and would not suffer from the freezing rain and bone-chilling wind. But the dog never moved.

In the version of the story in which the owner died, the dog remained waiting outside the hospital until the day of his death, never moving from the spot. In the version in which the man lay in the hospital for more than a month and finally recovered and was discharged, the dog was incredibly happy to see him return after a long and tedious wait. According to another version, the dog came to the hospital with the man every week and each time waited for him on the spot, not distracted by passing cars, pigeons, or enthusiastic children trying to treat the Pirate with treats.

Regardless of the truth of either version of the story, Hartford Hospital decided to immortalize it and installed a statue in memory of the dog right at the entrance.

According to the hospital, the dog's story is a symbol of love, devotion, and selflessness. Maintaining and preserving her inspires the hospital to demonstrate the same qualities in its treatment of patients and their families.

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