A Chinese Official Had 58 Lovers at Work (5 photos)

23 September 2024

A Chinese official was found to have several dozen lovers. All of them were her subordinates. Some slept with her out of fear, and others because of privileges.

A Chinese official was a frequent guest of private nightclubs and had at least 58 lovers among her subordinates, writes the South China Morning Post. Zhong Yang, 52, held the post of governor, but she was caught for corruption. She received about 60 million yuan ($8.5 million) in bribes.

Zhong Yang was born in 1972 and grew up in an ordinary family. At the age of 22, she joined the Communist Party of China and gradually rose to the position of governor and deputy secretary of the county party committee. Due to her striking appearance, she was nicknamed the "beautiful governor."

Along with her pursuit of power and wealth, Zhong had numerous affairs with subordinates, with whom she spent time under the pretext of working overtime and business trips.

An investigation revealed that she had 58 lovers, who also held government positions. The men had sex with her for money and privileges, or out of fear.

The court sentenced the woman to 13 years in prison.

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