With and without a wig: women with alopecia who were able to overcome their complexes (12 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
19 September 2024

Alopecia is hair loss that goes beyond the physiological norm. Here is a selection of photographs of women with alopecia who have accepted their disease.

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease in which a person loses hair. There is no known cure for this condition. Everyone copes in their own way. Some wear wigs, get eyebrow tattoos, use false eyelashes, while others, on the contrary, refuse to disguise themselves.

Here are photographs of people who have found their way.

Lina Dianova

After 20 years of wearing a wig, a woman decided to take it off.

Natalie Lar

Natalie Lar has connected her life with wigs and fashion.

Someone says that a 7-step skincare routine is self-love, but for me, self-love is being able to express myself through different hairstyles. It truly makes me happy.



Faith Hyles

The dancer who calls herself a “lawyer alopecia”.

Daria Belobrovka

After losing her hair, Darya Belobrovka found acceptance through modeling.

Codite Annie

I grew my hair for 3 and a half years to give my girlfriend with alopecia a wig.

Ieva Putnina

Alopecia inspired Ieva Putnina to make scarves for girls.

For the first six months, I didn't tell my boyfriend that I had a wig, but then I confessed. He replied that I was still beautiful and didn't need a wig. I began to accept myself more.

Chloe Bean


Photo caption: "Not after/ not before"

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