A guy lived with a Lego piece in his nose for over 25 years (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Toys, Health, PEGI 0+
19 September 2024

Andy Norton from Phoenix (Arizona, USA) suffered from a stuffy nose for 26 years. It turned out that the cause was a Lego piece that he stuck in his nose as a child.

The guy suffered from a stuffy nose for 26 years, believing that allergies were the cause. But only recently, the man, blowing his nose especially hard in the shower, made a discovery. A tiny object unexpectedly fell out of his nose - a Lego piece.

That's when Andy remembered how, as a child, he had stuck a part in his nose as a joke, but he couldn't get it out. His mother's efforts, to whom he had turned for help, were also unsuccessful. And Andy has no idea why they didn't take him to the doctor, letting it all slide.

All these years, the foreign object had been in his nose, causing symptoms similar to allergies.

Well, now the hero of this story has received the long-awaited opportunity to breathe normally, and he decided to keep the found part as a “silly souvenir from the past.”

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