Amazing sizes: 35 photos of incredibly large animals (36 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
19 September 2024

Humans are considered superior to animals. We have more developed mental abilities, use complex symbolic language, possess morality and self-awareness. However, animals can also outshine us with their unique characteristics. At least in size! Some representatives of the animal kingdom look like impossible giants.

1. "I had no idea wombats could get that big"

2. "Our old warehouse has become a personal scratching post for a bear named Brutus"

3. "This huge bison is tagged and blood tested by vets before being transported from Canada to the United States. It's easy to see how male bison can weigh almost a ton"

4. Kefir, the giant Maine Coon cat

5. The Cecropia moth, the largest moth in North America, has a wingspan of 13-18 see

6. "This is a Percheron horse. A man 1 m 65 cm tall for scale"

7. The Great Irish Wolfhound

8. "The Lady with the Dog"

9. What huge!

10. "Roger's favorite game is crushing the poop bucket! He's our alpha male kangaroo, 10 years old, 6'6", 200 pounds, and 100% muscle."

11. "I'm an evolutionary geneticist who studies hybridization. This is Apollo the liger, the most beautiful and adorable wild cat I've ever seen. People for scale"

12. The huge saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)

13. The giant guinea pig of the "cui" breed, in South America they are bred for consumption in food

14. "My Mom's Cat Bob"

15. Giant Tortoise

16. "My Pet, Giant grasshopper Siliquofera grandis. He's bigger than my hand"

17. "Big Boy"

18. "Bow Down Before the Mighty Sea Cow"

19. "Wolf with husky for scale. It's almost three times bigger"

20. Giant bronze beetle Mecynorhina Torquata, lives in Central and Southeast Africa

21. "Just a big leatherback sea turtle"

22. "Found a huge jellyfish on the east coast of Australia"

23. "87.5% gray wolf, 8.6% husky and 3.9% German shepherd dog"

24. Flying fox, a genus of bats of the family Pteropteridae

25. "Hogarth, my beloved snail"

26. "Kiwis aren't that small, it turns out"

27. The size of an orangutan

28. "Sadie the Squirrel ate 3 jack-o-lanterns already"

29. "This bald eagle was trapped and treated at the Montana Raptor Conservation Center. Bald eagles are huge compared to humans"

30. "Just found out about a giant fish called the Oarfish."

31. "Meet My Toad."

32. "The Hickory Horned Devil is the largest caterpillar in the world. Can grow up to 15 cm in length and is completely harmless, except for the visual horror"

33. Large mountain lion (cougar)

34. Giant Tasmanian freshwater lobster - the largest freshwater invertebrate in world

35. "We'll Need a Bigger Hook"

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