A British police minister had her purse stolen during a report on theft (4 photos + 6 videos)

Yesterday, 17:36

She declined to comment on the case.

Diana Johnson is the UK's Minister for Policing and Crime. On Tuesday, she spoke at the Association of Police Superintendents conference. And she complained that the country was being swept by a wave of thefts and robberies. The speech was held at the Kenilworth Hotel, where the lady was staying.

Too many town centres and high streets across the country are in the grip of an epidemic of anti-social behaviour and theft that is eating away at our communities and cannot continue.

As the minister urged her listeners to do their utmost to tackle crime, a thief broke into her hotel room and stole her handbag and wallet. Local police later arrested the 56-year-old but released him on bail.

English security forces report that the overall number of crimes is still decreasing. But thefts, mainly of bags and phones, are growing. Over the past year, their number has jumped by 40%. The minister has seen this for herself.

Earlier, England was shaken by an attack on a children's dance club. 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana broke in with a knife and killed several children. After that, people took to the streets: they tried to set fire to a hostel with migrants, threw stones at a mosque and fought with the police. Soon the newcomers made their presence known - only they started fighting with the protesters.

The unrest died down only after mass arrests. What punishment awaits the 17-year-old child killer - has not yet been reported.

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