A pack of otters bit a runner in Malaysia (5 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 17:36

Eight hungry otters scurried through Tanjung Aru Park in Sabah, Malaysia, looking for food on September 11. They spotted a middle-aged woman and pounced on her.

The victim was pictured sitting on the curb in tears, with several deep wounds on her shins. Her arms and legs were covered in blood.

The video shows the same bloodthirsty gang crossing the parking lot just minutes after the attack.

The woman was taken to a nearby hospital.

Sabah Wildlife Department Director Roland Oliver Niun said, "Based on preliminary investigations, a pod of otters entered the park to feed in the pond."

The official added that the animals had been seen near the pond before, but the attack indicated a change in their behavior.

"There is indeed a population of otters near the park, and we have seen changes in the animals' behavior when residents feed them."

The authorities intend to fence off the area and urge people not to approach the animals to avoid conflict.

Earlier, otters attacked a park visitor while he was walking with two friends. The man was also hospitalized.

Otters are not usually aggressive towards people, but they can attack if they feel threatened, especially when defending their offspring or territory.

According to zoologists, these animals are capable of attacking their relatives during the mating season and when competing for food.

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